Aaron Dalla Villa Interview on Alpha Rift

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Aaron Dalla Villa Interview

Aaron Dalla Villa stars in the brand new Science Fiction movie, “Alpha Rift“, which is filled with modern-day fantasy and knights. We spoke to him regarding his role, and his experience working with Lance Henriksen in the movie. Check it out below!

Hi Aaron, I am Hardik Agrawal from The Movie Culture; how are you doing today?

Aaron Dalla Villa: Hey Hardik, I’m doing great! Thank you for asking. I hope you are doing well, too! Working on another movie set today, so I’m just pumped.

Q. Alpha Rift came out on 12th November in the UK and 19th November in the US; what is going through your mind currently, and how long has this been coming?

Aaron Dalla Villa: I’m really psyched. It just came out in the UK on the 12th and the US on the 19th. The main thing going through my mind is my hope for the movie to find its audience. Once it locks into that, I think we have a real shot at building the brand. This has been a two-year process, so a lot of “hurry up and wait.” It’s nice to see your hard work pay off. So basically, I’m just impatient, lol.

Q. Modern-day knights is surely an intriguing concept, and what was your first reaction to
reading the script?

Aaron Dalla Villa: You know, I was really looking for a romantic comedy, but I had to settle for Alpha Rift. Just kidding! I’ve always wanted to play a knight in some fashion, so I was really intrigued by the script. In general, I can be a selfish person, so getting the chance to play this part that engulfs chivalry in character was enlightening, and I even noticed my own character change a little bit for the better.

Q. Could you tell me more about the character you play?

Aaron Dalla Villa: Nolan Parthmore is a fun-loving guy who runs a game store. He’s a bit of a slacker and the reluctant hero of the story. He learns how to step up to the plate once he accepts his destiny.

Q. As a theatre actor, how was working in Alpha Rift different for you?

Aaron Dalla Villa: Though I have worked in theatre, I am not just a theatre actor. I find all mediums really interesting and unique in their own way. Working on Alpha Rift required stamina (long days, hot knight suit, choreography, etc.). It was a challenge that I was excited to take on. In theatre, the story is told through language. In film, the story is told through pictures.

Q. Obviously, you star beside Lance Henriksen in Alpha Rift. What was your experience working with such an experienced and all-knowing actor?

Aaron Dalla Villa: Lance Henriksen is a national treasure. He’s warm, kind, funny, and carries a wealth of knowledge from his longevity in the business. His ability to take the script’s language and make it so specific at an instant was inspiring to me. I liked how calm and relaxed he was. Hopefully, that’ll come to me more with age, haha.

Q. Finally, what comes next after Alpha Rift? What exciting projects have you got lined up?

Aaron Dalla Villa: I’m currently working on another feature film, have several features in post-production, an episode of the new Gossip Girl airs this Thanksgiving, and I have been booked to shoot a commercial in Israel. 😉

Thank you so much, Aaron, for taking the time to speak with me. We at The Movie Culture wish you all the best for Alpha Rift!

Aaron Dalla Villa: Thank you so much for having me! Really appreciate the opportunity to connect!

The Movie Culture Synopsis

Alpha Rift stars Aaron and Lance Henriksen and is due to hit theatres and VOD on November 19th in the USA and November 12th in the UK. 
