Another Round is a dark comedy, directed by Thomas Vinterberg, which revolves around 4 teachers trying to bring a change in their lives through alcohol.
Another Round Movie Cast
- Mads Mikkelsen as Martin
- Thomas Bo Larsen as Tommy
- Lars Ranthe as Peter
- Magnus Millang as Nikolaj
- Maria Bonnevie as Anika
Another Round Movie Plot
Four teachers who desperately want a change in their professional lives, try doing an experiment of testing different amount of alcohol levels in their bodies and see what changes it leads to in their lives. However, this unsurprisingly turns dark and changes their lives for the better or the worse.
Another Round Movie Review
Another Round is so attractive that it’s a pity I never got to see this in a full theatre. It is the second collaboration of Thomas Vinterberg and Mads Mikkelsen, and is most certainly one of the best movies to come out in 2020. Its plot revolves around 4 teachers trying to change their ongoing life by introducing a little alcohol into it. With an excuse of doing it for a study, they start off with low BAC level of alcohol and keep increasing it to understand the behaviour of themselves and how their style of working and teaching takes a change.
Alcohol fulfils the character void in Another Round
Martin (Played by Mads Mikelsen) is an experienced history teacher whose lectures have lost their charm and due to this he is led to believe that he has become boring and devoid of any character. In his personal life too, he has become distant with his kids and his wife who is mostly out of the house during the nights. What he lacks in love, he tries to receive from his friends one day when they all get together for Nikolaj’s (Played by Magnus Millang) birthday.
The four teachers, who are best of friends, sit at a table and share stories while consuming some of the finest food and booze. Martin, always upright and rigid, refuses to share a drink as he has to drive back to home, but after some peer pressure he chugs entire glasses of wine while everyone stares at him, dumbstruck and concerned. And then he has a breakdown which causes his feelings to flow out.
We learn how deeply alone this guy is, and how desperately he wants a change in his personal and professional life. After having the time of their lives, the four teachers stumble upon the idea of drinking alcohol and seeing whether it helps them professionally or not. They take references and examples of a lot of famous politicians and artists who functioned purely on the basis of Alcohol and like anyone can predict, this quest takes a hard turn in Another Round.
Another Round Movie: Mads Mikkelsen and his Fluidity
Mads Mikkelsen, Magnus Milland, Thomas Bo Larsen and Lars Ranthe play the four teachers who are involved in this experiment. The performances which are delivered by these four, extremely talented, actors are beyond mesmerizing. At the centre revolves the story of Martin yet the other 3 teachers present unique arcs which highlight the advantages and the self-destruction potential of this routine.
The vivid expressions of Mads and his character progression which goes from regret to gratification and then turns tragic is conveyed with precision. Mads Mikkelsen is someone who has always brought finesse to the screen. Then it doesn’t matter whether the medium of that finesse is his expressions or his dance moves. There’s a certain sense of fluidity which is visible in every performance of Mads Mikkelsen and Another Round really makes me want to watch The Hunt, so expect a review on that anytime soon.
Another Round Movie: A tribute to a real life personal loss of Thomas Vinterberg
Thomas Vinterberg is a director who has been known for making films which test humane elements and puts its protagonists in deeply shattering places. However, Another Round is a fresh take which is as bleak as it is funny. It tosses alcoholism and manages to churn both tragedy and romanticism. There’s something about watching the characters go crazy drunk and just switch to dance and naked piano playing, which appeals to my funny bone and I am sure it will appeal to yours too. Denmark is a nation which is notoriously known for its high alcohol consumption and it is often referenced in the film through dialogues and real life examples of politicians. Thomas Vinterberg, doesn’t necessarily come to a conclusion that alcohol is all out harmful. He just places different instances where Alcohol works and where it doesn’t, while respecting the culture. There are no brash director opinions which are sent across through the film’s medium, but there are enough innuendos, to let us judge for ourselves.
The ending of Another Round is bittersweet yet unanticipated. It leaves the viewers in contentment, after having witnessed the mostly pleasant turns which takes in the lives of these teachers. There’s bleakness in Another Round which leads to hopefulness and the loss of one is celebrated by others in the most respectful way possible. Realizing that Thomas Vinterberg made this movie while going through a deeply personal loss himself puts an even more heartfelt perspective to the movie and that ending really deserves the best ending award for 2020, if they ever give that out. Another Round is hearty and filled with deep and impactful moments, and there’s nothing I regret about the 2 hours I spent watching this. And I would gladly watch it again, for that climax alone.
Another Round Movie Critical Reception
Another Round stands at 92% on Rotten Tomatoes with the consensus being, “Take one part deftly directed tragicomedy, add a dash of Mads Mikkelsen in vintage form, and you’ve got Another Round — an intoxicating look at midlife crises.” Its Metascore is 80 with Generally favorable reviews based on 29 Critic Reviews.
The Movie Culture Synopsis
Another Round is a brilliantly filmed and acted comedy which fees like a balance between dark comedy and drama. This is Thomas Vinterberg’s most different film yet and it needs to be witnessed for the performances alone.