A Perfect Enemy is a dark psychological thriller, directed by Kike Maíllo. The film...
Those Who Wish Me Dead is an adventure thriller directed by Taylor Sheridan, who is...
Kevin Can F**k Himself is an AMC tv show which subverts the genre of...
Kata is a short film / documentary, directed by James Latimer. It features Mahiro...
Sound of Metal is a 2019 film directed and co-written by Darius Marder starring...
Mare of Easttown is a HBO crime-thriller miniseries, created by Brad Ingelsby. It’s a...
Bo Burnham: Inside is a 2021 American comedy special directed, wrote, filmed, edited, and...
The Woman in the Window is a 2021 suspense psychological based American movie directed...
Intelligence is a TV show created by Nick Mohammed and it stars David Schwimmer...
Army of The Dead is the latest, Zombie offering by Zack Snyder and it...