The Family man series launched in the year 2019 on Amazon prime and released its second season in 2021. Amazon Prime has managed to woo the Indian audience with its content like Mirzapur, Soorarai Potru, gulabo sitabo and family man being added to the list alongside many more great films and series.
Family man is a creation of Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK is inspired by real life news articles but as a whole it’s fictional story.
The Family Man Season 2 Plot
The title reveals the majority of the plot from the series which is a story about a man and his family but he also has an extra responsibility of keeping the nation safe from terrorist attacks. Srikanth Tiwari “THE FAMILY MAN” and the mastermind at NIA founded the TASC team, formed to prevent any terrorist attacks in India. In 2 seasons of Family Man the TASC team tries to prevent 2 big attacks.
Srikanth and his wife Suchi are going through a rough phase in their marriage, Srikanth has to fulfill his duties for the nation and keep his family from falling apart.
The Family Man Season 2 Cast
- Srikant Tiwari played by Manoj Bajpayee
- Suchitra “Suchi” Iyer played by Priyamani
- Jayavant Kasinath “JK” Talpade played by Sharib Hashmi
- Dhriti Tiwari played by Ashlesha Thakur
- Atharv Tiwari played by Vedant Sinha
- Sajid Ghani played by Shahab Ali
- Moosa Rehman played by Neeraj Madhav
- Rajalakshmi Sekaran (Raji) played by Samantha Akkineni
- Arvind played by Sharad Kelkar
- Milind Hinduja played by Sunny Hinduja
- Zoya played by Shreya Dhanwanthary
- Kulkarni played by Dalip Tahil
- Major Sameer played by Darshan Kumar
- Asif played by Dinesh Prabhakar
- Kalyan/Salman played by Abhay Verma
- C I Umayal played by Devadarshini
- Chellam played by Uday Mahesh
The Family Man Season 2 Review
A binge worthy power pack show that entertains you in every single episode. The family man series currently has released two seasons and the third one is on the way. Family man’s second season was able to keep up the benchmark set in the first one.
After watching both the seasons I couldn’t categorize it into a single category as it is a thriller as well as drama but also feels like a comedy show at the same time, with Srikanth’s on time one liners and funny dialogues between him and JK.
The first season starts off with shrikant’s family life and explores his world has a secret government agent trying to stop terrorist attacks in India. Pakistan’s politicians and terrorist organisations plan an attack on India and try to start a war and overthrow the government.
Shrikant does stop many attacks but makes a terrible mistake and kills an innocent man , this makes his consciousness feel guilty, on the other his wife isn’t happy about him devoting all his time to the nation and kids don’t like it that he doesn’t earn much as a government employee but they are not aware of the truth.
Due to failure in not stopping an attack and to build a better relationship with his family , Shrikant quits his job and joins an IT firm.
Shrikant is tired of being a MINIMUM GUY at the IT firm and its a super funny story how Shrikant quits this Job. Shrikant doubt that his wife is having an affair and the marriage is at stake, during all this Shrikant gets to know about the case that JK is working on and tries to help him from the outside but when things get out of control Shrikant decides to take the matter into his own hands. The story of Rajee, a Soldier of Sri Lanka’s government in exile, will blow your mind. But will shrikant be able to stop this attack on the Indian Prime Minister?
Manoj Bajpayee never fails with his acting , yet another amazing performance by him that makes you love the character and empathize with him. The whole cast of the series did their part but in some places you can feel the slack.
It’s hard to tell that particular scene is not necessary or the actor just isn’t into it, especially scenes where Milind is present. Both the seasons have a decent amount of action but Rajee steals the hearts in the second with her amazing performance and with ferocious combat skills. If it would have been a movie released in theatres the whole hall would have been whistling and going crazy watching her fight.
The transition from first season to the second seemed smooth and well written because both the stories are completely different and it doesn’t cause any confusion in the viewer’s head. The story of the series is inspired by daily news articles, putting multiple incidents together and forming into a story that revolves around a secret agent.
Things portrayed are not completely true but resemble contemporary incidents and geopolitical tensions. This makes the whole show believable and as we all know Indians love patriotic movies which could be another reason that the show has made a mark.
The Family Man Season 2 Critical reception
IMDB has a rating of 8.8/10 for the series and The Rotten Tomatoes’ tomatometer is at 100% with the Avg audience score is 85%.
The show has been received very well by the audience as well as the critics.
The Movie Culture Synopsis
To end with , Family Man can be watched with Your family but has some explicit language. You should definitely give it a try if you are looking for some action and lots laughter and thrill.