With the Marvel Cinematic Universe exploring Nordic Mythology (Odin, Thor, Loki, and others) and...
TMC Exclusives
The finale of The Penthouse: War In Life aired on 10 September, 2021, bringing...
My Liberation Notes is a South Korean slice of life drama series that aired...
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that this writer when in possession of free...
It is a fact commonly acknowledged that some men just look a lot better...
In February 2010, theaters in different parts of the world got noisy. Not with...
The Boys is a streaming series developed on Amazon prime and written by Eric...
I am not shy when it comes to displaying my unhealthy obsession with movies...
Anticipation for the next big thing. That one non-franchise movie that will blow your...
It’ll pass. It’ll pass, right? It has to pass. That was a promise that...