Jujutsu Kaisen manga is getting more and more intriguing with intense battles and constant...
TMC Exclusives
The Kung Fu Panda franchise, a delightful blend of humor, heart, and martial arts...
In the ever-evolving world of DC Comics, change is the only constant. The DC...
With a heavy-hitting roster and a streaming giant like Netflix, it will be interesting...
A Time Called You is a time slip romance drama that follows Han Jun...
No One Will Save You, a recent horror film, has left an indelible mark...
The Continental transports us to a world both familiar and novel—a realm bathed in...
A story revolving around the ‘Tango-Torrez’ family, Spy Kids: Armageddon brings new characters, perspectives,...
The Spy Kids franchise, a beloved part of family-friendly action cinema, has captured the...
The popular Netflix series Sex Education is set to return for its fourth season,...