Jujutsu Kaisen manga is getting more and more intriguing with intense battles and constant...
TMC Originals
“TMC originals is entirely focused on an innovative and niche entertainment section. We brainstorm and bring some of the most well researched and thoughtful articles based around Comic Book Universes, Deeply moving cinema and Story Arcs. Find all of this and so much more, under the section of TMC Originals.”
Happy Reading!
Opinions in the film industry are as varied as the films themselves. The top...
The Kung Fu Panda franchise, a delightful blend of humor, heart, and martial arts...
In the ever-evolving world of DC Comics, change is the only constant. The DC...
With a heavy-hitting roster and a streaming giant like Netflix, it will be interesting...
The global entertainment stage once basked in the radiant glory of Disney—an empire whose...
Romance is a genre that is predictable yes, but indeed enjoyable. So we’ve curated...
These dramas aired in 2022, and they might have not gathered much of the...
With the Marvel Cinematic Universe exploring Nordic Mythology (Odin, Thor, Loki, and others) and...
The finale of The Penthouse: War In Life aired on 10 September, 2021, bringing...