My Liberation Notes is a South Korean slice of life drama series that aired...
TMC Originals
“TMC originals is entirely focused on an innovative and niche entertainment section. We brainstorm and bring some of the most well researched and thoughtful articles based around Comic Book Universes, Deeply moving cinema and Story Arcs. Find all of this and so much more, under the section of TMC Originals.”
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It is a truth universally acknowledged, that this writer when in possession of free...
Everyone loves a good fantasy or thriller series with intense plots, or a charming...
It is a fact commonly acknowledged that some men just look a lot better...
In February 2010, theaters in different parts of the world got noisy. Not with...
Intense, suspenseful storylines, exciting action scenes, cliffhangers, and tension so thick you could slice...
The Boys is a streaming series developed on Amazon prime and written by Eric...
I am not shy when it comes to displaying my unhealthy obsession with movies...
Of all the things that Top Gun: Maverick has to offer, a treat for...
There have been quite a lot of Korean dramas over the years, shows that...