Netflix released Dark as their first featured German-language sci-fi show which boasts a large...
TMC Originals
“TMC originals is entirely focused on an innovative and niche entertainment section. We brainstorm and bring some of the most well researched and thoughtful articles based around Comic Book Universes, Deeply moving cinema and Story Arcs. Find all of this and so much more, under the section of TMC Originals.”
Happy Reading!
The Batman by Matt Reeves will certainly not going to be a Batman origin...
Avengers Endgame released on 26th April 2019 was about Avengers(those who survived the snap)...
Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises had Tom Hardy’s Bane who was the most...
Phase 4 has been doing a great job in introducing new characters and furthering...
A little is shown and a little is known about The Flash Movie of...
Love is in the air and also on Netflix. If you have a Valentine...
When Guillermo Del Toro announced the absence of any monsters in his next venture,...
DC Comics has created some incredibly powerful and iconic characters and the Flash is...
The DCEU is heading towards a future where will not be one but three...