The Falcon and the Winter Soldier show revolves around Falcon and Winter Soldier teaming up to fight a new criminal organization.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 4 Plot
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode 4 showcases the epic showdown between the Heroes, the Anti-Heroes and the Flag Smashers, and no one’s the winner.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 4 Cast
- Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson / The Falcon
- Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier
- Wyatt Russell as John Walker
- Daniel Brühl as Baron Zemo
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 4 Review
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode 4 is probably the most fun I have had in this series so far. All the character buildup and the constant stacking finally leads into a giant combustion and we really see the new Captain America, John Walker, rising to his role and his inner demons. This was a very action packed episode which also took the stories of The Falcon and The WInter Soldier further and introduced some pretty well conceived personal stakes which later played a huge role in the episode.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 4: The Dora Milaje and their Epic Moves
Let’s start with the major cliffhanger of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 3, Ayo and Dora Milaje. We see the true intentions of Ayo for barging into Bucky and it was pretty obvious. They want Zemo because he brutally murdered T’Chaka and caused a revolt in Wakanda. So in a pivotal fight scene where John Walker bursts in and tries to capture Zemo, Ayo along with the entire Dora Milaje kick his butt with vibranium rods and put a really heavy dent on his ego. It finally felt nice to see Dora Milaje in action again, and this time, MCU really showed us the various ways they kick ass.
Even Sam advised John against clashing with them, just showing how much of a threat this group of women soldiers are. Sam and Bucky who have been yearning to show John his place, take their sweet time in interfering in the fight and let John have some of it. Then they proceed to the Tag Team, trying to save Zemo and John, during which Bucky discovers a pretty shocking revelation about his vibranium hand. Ayo swiftly taps a few places and detaches his entire arm, rendering him useless in the fight. This could take a dark turn in Bucky’s mind, as for him, some part of his faith was broken.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 4: Super-Soldier or Supremacist
Sam tries to broker peace with Karli and they have a pretty meaningful and impactful conversation together. I really admire how this series is really exploring the realism present in the MCU and it has been some time since we saw Politics and Conspiracies forming a situation in an MCU movie. Their conversation about being a super soldier takes a turn towards discussing supremacy. How much are you willing to chip out of yourself in order to take that serum is the real question one ought to ask themselves
Does taking the serum instantly result in becoming a dictator, no matter how much you tell yourself that you are doing this for the greater good? Later when John Walker spirals the entire situation out of control, we can also see how Zemo is not going easy on these soldiers and shoots at the first site of Karli, destroying all the serum vials, almost.
John Walker Takes the serum
The main essence of this episode lies in the character progression of John Walker. His character, ever since the beginning has been on the verge of being unreliable. I couldn’t understand the hate this character received in the start because he sure looked like he wanted to keep things in control and even if there was something off about his past, his intentions were in the right. But this episode really tests his patience, not just in terms of his beliefs but also about his conflicting views on the Super-Soldier serum.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 4 showcases that almost all the vials of the serum are destroyed but the one that remained went in the pockets of the new Captain America. Again we divulge in a philosophical discussion about the usage of the serum and how useful it would have been during John and Lemar’s time in Afghanistan. We learn more about Lemar who seems pretty sure about his opinion on the serum and he would use it without batting an eye if he ever gets the chance.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 4: The New Captain America is Drenched in Blood
This was, unfortunately, the last we will see of Lemar as he is brutally thrown against a wall and collapses to his death. John Walker who is absolutely petrified and devastated of the entire situation, sees a flame of anger burning through him. All his days of patience, secludedness and pretentious calmness, goes crashing in an instant when the only person who soothed him, dies by the hands of the super-soldier John has been behind all this while. His soul is chipped and the last bit of humanity as captain is lost somewhere from where it will never be recovered. He jumps through the window in search of Karli, but instead he finds another super-soldier running for his life. He chases him through the artsy streets of Slokovia and throws a spine shuddering blow by his shield, sending the soldier on the ground. Raged and fuming in anger, John lifts his shield above and menacingly bashes it on his head, multiple times. Each impact felt by the viewers and the characters alike. It was haunting and deeply terrifying to see that the character progression has finally reached its highest peak and this is the John Walker which was hiding from the world all this while.
The Movie Culture Synopsis
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 4 was a fantastic addition to the series which changes the fates of some pivotal characters for good. It raises the stakes and sets up high reaching expectations for episode 5.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 4 was terrifying and ruthless, in its action and and in its character moments. Check it out now on Disney+.