Dickinson show is something of its kind, a show on Emily Dickinson’s life but...
Pulp fiction is arguably the best movie Quentin Tarantino has ever put on screen....
Raya and the Last Dragon is a Disney movie follows all the norms of...
The Mandalorian season 2 is an amplified continuation of season 1 which is all...
Palm Springs revolves around two people who develop feelings for each other while caught...
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier show revolves around Falcon and Winter Soldier teaming...
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is Zack Snyder’s vision which we never saw in 2017....
Cherry is a portrayal of a PTSD victim, directed by The Russo Brothers. It...
Marriage or Mortgage is a Netflix show which revolves around couples trying to decide...
Supervillain: The Making of Tekashi 6ix9ine is a documentary based on the rise of...